How to MANIFEST & CREATE the exact life you want!
I've wanted to open up on this topic for a while now and share my experiences manifesting my dream career to relationship as well as tips that have worked for me. Going to Dr. Joe Dispenza 's 7 Day Advanced meditation workshop also furthered my knowledge on this topic and meditation so I hope this empowers you to start your journey and create the future you deserve! xxR
Nothing is too BIG to manifest into reality…
I am a big believer in ‘your thoughts create your reality’ and for the last few years I have put this into practice to create my dream career, relationship and home. So in today’s blog post I wanted to share what has worked for me and how you can apply it to your life!
My career
After college, in 2012, I drew up everything that I wanted for myself. I drew what I envisioned being my dream career. I drew me sitting at the computer with hearts all around signifying that I would love my job. I would be bringing in money through sponsors - makeup, clothes, exploring the world. In 2012, who was talking about SPONSORS?! That wasn’t even a thing back then! I wasn’t sure how I was going to achieve this at the time and I was going about my day to day life working at Hollister but it was a DREAM!
I took that piece of paper, folded it up and taped it next to my bed.
Ten years later, I was fully moved out of my parents house, graduated college, and living on my own. It wasn’t til I went back to my parents house and pulled this paper off the wall. When I opened it, I realized I was LIVING that dream. I was SHOCKED. Everything had happened so organically. I didn’t go out and try to create content to make money, I wasn’t fighting for it or desperate to have this job. I didn’t even know I could make money or make it into a job!
In 2017 I was posting recipes and breakfast every day because I wanted to become a healthier person. Two years later I quit my full time job and I started creating full time.
Three key thoughts:
I knew exactly what I wanted, I knew the feeling that it would bring to have a job that I loved.
I SURRENDERED- I folded it up and forgot about it. I didn’t think about how it was going to happen or the steps I had to take to get here.
My FEELINGS & THOUGHTS were in alignment. I wasn’t hoping for one thing but actually feeling another.
2. My dream relationship & house
In 2017, I was in a toxic relationship and I wasn’t sure how to get out. I knew deep down that I deserved better and I knew what would make me so happy — someone that worked out, shared the same lifestyle as me, and had a passion for cooking. I drew out everything I wanted. How tall he was, has chocolate bar abs, and someone who brought me closer to my family because of them.
Three months later Nate walked into my life. And word for word, everything on that piece of paper has come true. I even wrote that I would live in a country style home with land and animals with this man. I can’t believe it or believe where we are today.
How can you apply this to your life?
The most important thing is that your thoughts and feelings align 100%
If you feel lack and separation but you want abundance, you are not aligned.
To make sure that what you’re thinking matches what you are feelings is to always find that feeling around you.
Example: If you want to manifest love. Look for things that make you feel love, find a way to find that love in you and keep that your energy 24/7.
The energy that you are putting out into the universe is what you get back.
Know exactly what you want and make sure that you’re feeling is matching your potential.
Surrender. Trust that your future potential is coming. It will come in a way that you will least expect it. It is not something that you can imagine. You just have to trust that the universe is going to bring it to you.
Make choices in your life day in and day out that are aligned with your future self.
How will you keep yourself in a state of mind where you are happy and fulfilled.
We are not victims to anything and we create our circumstances. Our environment does not dictate how we feel.
Find things that you are grateful for, they are all around you. Do things that make you happy and keep your emotion up.
Meditate. I do this everyday because it gets me feeling so whole and grateful throughout my day.
Become SO aware of your limiting thoughts and self correct, every time.
It is a daily practice. Keep showing up.