Matcha 101: Benefits, Recipes, and More!


Hii, it's Remi here!

If you've been following me for a while, you know that I loooooooove matcha. You'll see me drinking it every morning on HōmeBodies because it's my pre-workout and all-around life force bahaha. 

I used to drink coffee every morning, but I quit over three years ago after doing a clean food challenge. I had gone on a long birthday vacation and had too many indulgences #carbdiet. I had hives all over my body and face, and I knew it was time for a full reset. During this time, I discovered matcha — and quit drinking coffee. Guys, I used to be addicted, and the withdrawal was tough at times, but it was SO WORTH IT.

While coffee would energize me in the mornings, it had a lot of negative effects on my body and even mood. I would often feel bloated, and my stomach always got upset. Later on in the day, I would just completely crash. My energy high would completely disappear, and I would be tired and dehydrated. 

If you're experiencing the same side effects from coffee, know that you're not alone — I've been there. But know that there is a substitute that will energize you while giving your body the nutrients it needs — Matcha!!!!! And if you've never been a coffee drinker, I still recommend you try it out. It's transformed my mornings, and I've come up with tons of delicious recipes! 

In this post, I want to give you some insider's knowledge about matcha, along with some easy recipes you can start using to create the most delicious, healthy matcha concoctions. If you're already a matcha drinker, I'd LOVE to hear about your recipes and how matcha has transformed your life, so don't forget to comment at the end of this post and let me know!!


What Exactly IS Matcha? 

So basically, matcha is a type of green tea and is created by grinding the tea leaves into a fine, green powder instead of just soaking the leaves in hot water.

Why is that important? Because when you grind the leaves into a powder and add it to hot water, you're getting ALL the nutrients from the leaves. Nothing is left out!! 

Matcha originally comes from Japan and is grown in a controlled environment to ensure quality. If you've ever seen matcha powder, you'll notice that it's a BRIGHT gorgeous green. This is because the tea plants are grown in the shade and not exposed to much sunlight. To compensate, the plant overproduces chlorophyll, which gives it that beautiful bright green color! The shade also helps the plant produce more of the amino acid theanine, giving the tea a wonderful umami flavor! 

So bottom line: Matcha is green tea, but better. More nutrients, more color, and easier to prepare!

The Benefits of Matcha

Despite tasting AMAZING, matcha has so many benefits for your health, too! 

  • Matcha contains more antioxidants and caffeine than other green teas!

As I said above, matcha tea is created from tea leaf powder. Other green teas just soak the leaves and then remove them, but with matcha, you're getting ALL of its goodness. Because of this, there are more antioxidants and caffeine in matcha than other green teas, which give you more energy AND nutrients that your body needs.

  • Matcha helps prevent heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes!

Like other green teas, matcha helps prevent serious diseases! This hasn't been definitively proven, but studies have shown that some of the compounds in matcha are linked to cancer prevention and treatment. Scientists have also discovered that matcha may decrease blood pressure and lower cholesterol!  

  • Matcha helps you lose weight and stay lean!

I didn't start drinking matcha to lose weight, but I have noticed it helps me stay lean! Unlike coffee, matcha doesn't cause bloating, and many people have found that it helps them shave off a few pounds! Studies have shown that green teas can increase your metabolism and help you burn fat faster during exercise! If you're looking to lose weight, matcha is a great way to supplement your weight-loss journey! 

  • Matcha improves your brain function and keeps you energized!

When I drank coffee, I would eventually crash and feel foggy for the rest of the day. At the time, I thought this was just normal, but when I switched to matcha, I realized what I'd been missing. After I drink matcha, I immediately feel energized and ready to tackle the day. I'm productive, I'm driven, and I'm excited. And don't just take it from me! There have been numerous studies that have shown increased brain function in individuals after consuming matcha as opposed to those who had a placebo. And like I said above, matcha has more caffeine than other green teas, so if you need that extra boost in the mornings without the negative side effects of coffee, matcha is for you!!

  • Matcha is SO easy to make!

The last benefit of matcha I want to mention is that it's just so simple and easy to prepare. If you don't have too much time in the mornings, you're going to need a ritual that's both fast and effective. With matcha, all you have to do is add the powder to hot water and whisk. That's literally it! And if you have a bit more time, you can get creative and make matcha smoothies, lattes, and even puddings! 

How to Make My Energizing Iced Matcha Latte 


Talking about yummy matcha recipes, I want to share my absolute FAVORITE matcha drink with you all and tell you exactly how to make it. It's my go-to drink each morning, and it gives me the boost I need to workout and tackle the day! If you're more of a visual person, feel free to check out the video I made that walks through the whole process!

Step #1: Choose your matcha!

I cycle between two popular brands of matcha from Japan: Ippodo Matcha - Sayaka-no-mukashi and Aiya Organic Ceremonial Matcha Tea. Ippodo Matcha is from Kyoto and is premium matcha that's rich in flavor. Aiya matcha is grown in Nishio and has a nice, smooth flavor. Both of these matchas are ceremonial-grade, which means that they are SO rich in flavor and creamy smooth. I usually use Aiya matcha for my everyday recipes, and Ippodo when I want to treat myself a little bit <3 

Step #2: Scoop 1 heaping teaspoon of matcha directly into your sifter and into the bowl.

I use this handy measuring spoon to scoop my matcha into my tea sifter. As I do this, I like to use my scooper to gently pat down the matcha powder through the sifter by moving it in a circular motion. This step is important to ensure that your matcha has perfect consistency! I like to sift my matcha into the Katakuchi Matcha Bowl, which has a spout, making it easy to pour later on!

Step #3: Pour 3 tablespoons of hot water (before it reaches its boiling point) into your bowl.

To heat my water, I like to use the SMEG kettle — it's very easy to control the water temperature, and it has a cool retro design! 

Step #4: Whisk the mixture vigorously for 15 seconds using a bamboo whisk.

Why use a bamboo whisk? Because the small strands of bamboo are KEY in creating that creamy, frothy consistency. I like to whisk in an M-shape to ensure that the matcha, water, and air are all combining evenly.

Step #5: Add 1 teaspoon of MCT oil as an extra energy boost.

MCT oil contains "medium chain triglycerides" that are derived from coconuts! MCT oil goes straight to your liver, where it's used as an instant energy source for your body and brain. Plus, it doesn't taste like anything, so you don't have to worry about it making the latte taste weird! 

Step #6: Whisk the mixture and prepare a glass with lots of ice.

Using the bamboo whisk, make sure that you blend the MCT oil with the rest of the mixture to ensure consistency. After this, you can get out your favorite glass (I love to use this one!), and add lots of ice! 

Step #7: Fill your glass ¾ full with milk and add the matcha blend.

I prefer to use oat milk because it is the creamiest, non-dairy option. Before pouring, I shake the cartoon vigorously to create a creamier, foamier texture. Depending on your needs/preferences, find the milk that works best for you! After adding the milk to the glass, slowly pour the matcha on top to create an appetizing swirl. 

Step #8: Add a teaspoon of milk into your bowl, whisk the rest of the matcha, and pour it on top.

To create that classic latte foam look, I whisk a teaspoon of oat milk with the rest of the matcha and pour it on top of my glass. And that's it! So simple, right?!


More Delicious Matcha Recipes for You to Try!!

I am not exaggerating when I say matcha has changed my life. It's my anti-aging secret, it gives me sustainable energy, and it's become part of my morning ritual EVERY DAY. Honestly, I'll never go back to coffee after having experienced the benefits of matcha. 

If you've never tried matcha before, I hope this post gives you the information you need to get started! And if you already love matcha, I have so many more delicious recipes you can use to change it up! Basically, matcha can be as simple or complex as you'd like! It all comes down to what YOU want and have time for. 

Here are some other recipes to check out!!! 

Thanks so much for reading this post!! If you decide to try matcha, I'd LOVE to hear what you think! Feel free to comment under this post, or tag me on Instagram @rrayyme with a picture of your matcha and your thoughts! And if you're already a matcha master, I'd love to hear about your recipes, too! I'm always looking to try new things, and you all always give me the best ideas. 

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