Wearing open back grey blouse from @younghungryfree
Hi lovelies!
Look at these cute cream-filled puffs known as "religious" Aka NUNS in French. We learned how to make them today with super sweet patsies Rebecca Donze of The Sweet Nuns. We all met in her industrial sized kitchen she JUST moved into 2 weeks ago (she's from Paris) which was great, because it was literally right down the street from my house. So convienetly I was able to go to the gym, do a leg circuit, come home, shower, get ready and leave 5 minutes before the event, and still be on time moohah.
She taught us how to make the custard and the dough. The ingredients consisted of flour, cane sugar, butter, salt, egg, and that's pretty much it. But I can't stress enough how delicious and light these were. Not too sweet or overwhelming.
The decorating part was so fun! Everyone had the freedom of making whatever their heart desired. I made a lace-y angel and filled my puffs with strawberry cream. The other one I made was a christmas tree with vanilla filling!
Thanks for inviting me @HangryDiary to this intimate class and @TheSweetNuns for having us.