Mindset is the Key to Success


I have started a new thing where before I start moving my body, I say what I’m grateful for. I even started implementing it into our daily HomeBodies workouts. It is really great at setting the mind right and can be such a powerful force of intrinsic motivation.

Nate and I have been asked (mostly Nate) a seemingly simple question about our consistent workout regime more times than we can count:

 “..how do you have the discipline?” or “..where do you find your motivation?”

Consistency fosters success. Success starts in your head. 

Reaching fitness goals comes from more than just regular workouts, the right form, and diet.  It's a MINDSET.

Inside of every single one of us is a combination of a fixed & growth mindset

Fixed Mindset

  • Intelligence and talent are traits that cannot be changed

  • Success for others means no success for themselves

  • Challenges are to be avoided because setbacks = bad

A fixed minset sucks.

A fixed mindset will hold you back.

A fixed mindset is toxic.

Fixed mindsets are neither welcomed nor tolerated here.

Growth Mindset

  • Failure = a lesson to be learned

  • There is always room for improvement as long as I try

  • It is never too late to learn something new

  • Others’ success inspires my success

So, adopt a growth mindset. It will make you unstoppable.

The truth is that persistence comes very naturally when you genuinely enjoy the process.  When you enjoy the journey you're on, it becomes a part of your identity.

Make this simple mindset shift as you carry out your workouts this week:

The type of person who wants this 👉 The type of person who IS this.