5 Tips To Making Exercise A Habit


As I mentioned before, as a Virgo Moon I LOVE routines. One routine that people tend to have a hard time starting, which I personally just started this year, is working out regularly. I find most people have a complicated relationship with their personal fitness, but here are 5 tips I implemented that helped me push through and turned my fitness into a habit.

Clear Motivation + Intention

First things first, what are your intentions for getting fit? Is it for health reasons, because you want to look good? Or maybe it’s just for your overall well-being, I find making your reasonings clear and honest keep you accountable and determine how motivated you’re going to be. So for me personally, I was never really into fitness in the beginning. But I love how I felt after pushing through a tough workout I didn’t think I can do. It made it fun to see what my body’s limits were, but I especially loved how accomplished I feel after!

Make It Fun!

It’s 2019! There are so many alternatives to the traditional gym. This could be anything from pilates to yoga or even going on a simple walk! The joy of working out is finding what activities you enjoy the most. If you can make your workouts fun the less you’ll dread it and you’re likely to do it more often!

Find a Workout Buddy

I highly recommend this to those of you who have a hard time making it to the gym on you own. Having a workout buddy not only keeps you motivated but it’s a lot more fun when you have someone to do it with. Even if you can’t work out together all the time, sometimes just texting each other reminders and encouragement. My workout buddy is Amanda, and we always have a blast!

Make it A Priority

I once heard before that the best way to make working out a priority is seeing it like brushing your teeth. It’s something that you have to do everyday or else you’re left with bad breath or aka a body that won’t be performing at its best. If you can get over the mental dread and see it completely as an everyday necessity your body will thank you later. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands Legally Blonde moment. Just remember that working out is all mental, even though your mind is telling you you can’t do, your physical body can. You just gotta push through it!

Look for Progress + Reward Yourself!

Once you’re able to turn exercise into a regular habit, you’ll start to notice the progress. That may be feeling less out of breath when you’re going up the stairs, or more flexibility and strength that you didn’t have before. And when you do see it, GIRL—TREAT YO-SELF! YOU DID THAT. It doesn’t necessarily have to be food, you can get a massage, a mani/pedi, watch a movie, etc. I personally like getting massages regularly and doing a little self-care facial and wine night at home while I paint my nails. Comment below what you like doing to reward yourself!

These are the tips I found work best to make exercising a habit, please let me know if these have helped you! Comment below what you want to see next from me! Until next time
